
Author Archive

Lakshmi II work in progress video

March 26th, 2013

laying out basic character design in sketchup; controlled using tobii pc-eye eye tracking device with a tabletkiosk sahara slate pc. music is -path,- a piece i composed shortly after being diagnosed with als.


Alphonse Mecha

March 25th, 2013


my recently completed eye gaze art, doing my impression of art nouveau poster illustration. basic line art and colors created in sketchup with lots of tweaks and effects in photoshop. as usual, prints available in the store!

eye gaze art, sketchup, tools, Uncategorized


March 9th, 2013

Hey every body here’s a new piece I just finished. Almost abandoned this half way through but decided to stick it out and see what I could salvage from it. Eye gaze, sketchup, a few minutes of gimp and a WHOLE LOTTA Photoshop. Ow my eyes. As always, get your print at the store!

eye gaze art, sketchup, tools


March 2nd, 2013

Not really anything in particular; just seeing what is possible to do in Photoshop via eye gaze. The base shapes were laid out in sketchup, and i did figure out how to create a regular radial array, which is actually really useful.

eye gaze art, sketchup

Using GIMP via eye gaze

February 24th, 2013

Short video showing how I apply a filter or two in GIMP.  The image is still in progress and is a reworking of an earlier piece.
Want to thank the nice people at Techsmith for hooking me up with a copy of Camtasia.

character design, eye gaze art, gimp, sketchup, tools


February 22nd, 2013




Here’s a new piece created using eye gaze + sketchup, gimp and photoshop. I wanted to pay hoMage to 70s era comics,  both European and American.

comic books, eye gaze art, sketchup

OMEGANAUTS work in progress

February 17th, 2013

Dedicated to Linda.

February 16th, 2013

Hello every body. Just finished this one. Dedicated to my loving and patient wife Linda! As usual, eye gaze + sketchup, gimp and Photoshop.

18X24 print available in the store.

character design, eye gaze art, sketchup, tools

February 2nd, 2013

Photoshop via eye gaze is NOT FUN. Thanks to my dad for help with the Chinese. The phrase says ADAPT SURVIVE PREVAIL. The smaller text is my name in Chinese and Japanese (I am a mixture of both).

This print is available in the store.


eye gaze art, sketchup, tools

January 26th, 2013




Here are a few more pieces I finished recently using my new tablet pc and tobii eye tracking hardware. Technology is amazing. Prints and tee shirts (and other stuff) are available at the gallery store.



eye gaze art, sketchup, tools