Really cool technology : augmented reality glasses that allows FUBAR’d people like myself to communicate. I make a brief appearance in the pitch video as well, in support of the project. Its about halfway through the fundraising period and still has a ways to go to meet their goal so please consider helping out!
This new piece features a quotation which says “it is difficult to master your passions, and impossible to satisfy them.” It is available in the store.
Short video showing how I apply a filter or two in GIMP. The image is still in progress and is a reworking of an earlier piece.
Want to thank the nice people at Techsmith for hooking me up with a copy of Camtasia.
Hello everybody. It’s been a while, but I’m back, with some new situations to deal with. I was diagnosed with ALS back in 2010, and have gradually lost the ability to move. There is a bit more info at my facebook page.
What I wanted to share here is some of the drawings I’ve started doing using a Tobii eye gaze controlled computer, with Sketchup and GIMP. These pieces can be purchased at the Francis Tsai GALLERY STORE.